Internships and College: Design Your Dorm

Design Your Dorm is a relatively new website that brings a whole new dimension to dorm decorating. I wish this website was up and running when I was an incoming college freshman spending my days on The Container Store website thinking of decorating ideas. The website allows you to create a 3-D model of your dorm. For those of you attending big schools, they have exact dorm replicas which is great. The website also allows to choose from a generic room type. The service provides a great way for you and I to see what will fit in our tiny dorms and what won't. While the idea is great, I think it still needs a lot of work. As you can see above, I began putting up posters (I have the colorful Martini Glass Poster in my dining room!) but was unable to place any comforter or move around some of the furniture. It needs to be more flexible. I wish I could remove the wardrobes (we have built-in closets) and move the window. I think the idea is genius, and I recommend checking it out, but some of the details need to be worked out.

What do you think of Design Your Dorm? Does it make planning for Move-In Day easier?
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