Traveling Essentials: Passport Holder
I'm going abroad at the end of this week. Traveling to Portugal to be exact, and for spring semester I will be studying in Denmark. Because of all this impending travel, I'll be making a series of posts dedicated to traveling needs. As I'm going through my checklist, I realized I should really get a passport holder. I don't want my ticket in one folder and my passport in a random pocket. While I was shopping in the Marc by Marc Jacobs store on Bleecker St. yesterday, I saw a python envelope clutch. When I opened it, I realized it could double as my much-needed passport holder. With all of its compartments, it's perfect especially at only $19.

ah i just got back from studying abroad for the past 6 weeks. enjoy every second and make sure to make time for fun between all the school stuff!
a cute passport holder is essential :) have a safe trip!
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